My wife has a different ID number on her family tree. she cannot see my side of my family but I can.

On my side of my tree I can see her entire side of her family tree. On her side she can not see any of my family tree.
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Profiles that are marked as "living" only exist in the private space of the account that created them. Therefore, she'll need to create a new profile for you in her account. This can (and in my opinion, should) be just a placeholder, with just enough information for her to know who it is. Ditto for any of her living in-laws (your parents and grandparents). Once she gets to your deceased relatives, she should connect to the same profiles that you can see from your account.
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Your question will be forwarded to The Family Tree team for review and assistance. You may be contacted by that team if they need more information.
Since you are your wife are living you will both have a different ID.
Your wife will need to add you as a spouse with your information that will create a different ID for you in her tree because you are living. Then she can connect your parents to you. If your parents are deceased she can add your parents by their ID
Here is how to copy the ID Or you can write the ID down from what is in your tree and then add it in her tree.
Once your wife has connect you to her and connected your family to you (the ones that are deceased) then your tree will be seen on your wife's tree.
Hopefully that will make sense.
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You on your account can not see any living persons. You can only see your wife when you put her in and the system will give you a different ID that the one she has in her account. It is called private spaces. No on can see a living person that is in another person's account with the same ID. Yes you can put your wife in your account but it will have a different ID. You can not see her ordinances either for the same private spaces reason. As soon as you reach a deceased person you will have the same ID as she has. Family search only allows others to see deceased persons not living persons.
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Hope the articles suggested in the last posting fully answered your question.
This issue often generates questions, and these may have been answered previously. Just a tip to save you some time......before posting a question, it may be helpful to you to check if this topic has been addressed previously - You can add keywords (in this case 'id numbers' or 'living people' ) to the search bar, and other similarly themed questions will appear and may provide you with a quicker answer.
Hope this helps.