I have a problem. Another person is taking over my family tree.
Hi Kim,
Thank you for reaching out. Familysearch is one worldwide tree so anyone in the familysearch community can enhance your research by adding extra information.
If, as in this occasion, you know that the person is making some incorrect links. I would suggest two things. Firstly send a message to the person making those changes, explaining your close relationship to your grandparents and the error that they have made. I would also put in as many sources as possible, you will need to add a source for your personal knowledge. I have found the more you record, the less likely it is that someone will make an incorrect change to your tree.
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I'm another user and I've had the same basic problem happen to me. In fact I just discovered about an hour ago that it has happened to me again. I just had a lady delete my 2nd great grandfather's birth mother and change that birth mother to his step mother. It basically destroys my family tree at that step for that family line. This is absolutely insane.
This is so very very frustrating. I'm at the point where I will not recommend anyone use familysearch.org as a place to store their family tree. Ancestry is a decent place to store family tree info and, of course, one's own personal family tree program.
Based on this "wiki" type of system that familysearch.org has, it's a terrible system where anyone in the world change in a few minutes destroy my personal tree. One can spend enormous amounts of time in research and build a tree only to have it destroyed in one afternoon by someone who does little or no research.
I don't see that the church cares about this problem as it continues to happen. I note there is not way to leave feedback for the people who run this terrible system.
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Hello all,
I know it can be frustrating when other users make inaccurate changes to the shared Family Tree.
One ideas is to simply use the Family Tree as a reference but keep your own personal tree on a personal database (See Solutions Gallery at the very bottom of most FamilySearch.org pages).
Here is an article that will give some suggestions for preventing other from making inaccurate changes...
If you want to give feedback or suggestions about how to improve the shared Family Tree you can use "Ideas" on the left side column of Community. Choose Family Tree then click Suggest an Idea, then click New Idea.
We appreciate your feedback.
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Welcome to the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum.
I am just another 'lowly' User/Patron ...
As an aside ...
Please be aware, that technically, you DO NOT have a "Tree", in "Family Tree", of 'FamilySearch' ...
Please let me explain ...
You are not alone ...
MANY; Many; many, of us, ... have been there ... done that ... still do ...
Many of us have had 'wayward' "Changes" made to our "Ancestral" Lines ...
It is often a matter of the MOST "Persistent" ...
Never give in ... Never give up ...
Hopefully, the other User/Patron will eventually 'tire'; and, give up ...
Unfortunately, there are NO winners ...
But ...
That Said ...
Technically, there is no way to STOP another User/Patron working along the SAME 'Ancestral" Lines.
Unfortunately, such CANNOT be prevented.
As, basically, we are all related.
Your "Ancestral" Lines, are most likely ALSO another User's/Patron's "Ancestral" Lines, in fact, probably, that of quite a few other Users/Patrons.
Now ...
That Said ...
Basically, we DO NOT have, a "Tree", in "Family Tree", of 'FamilySearch', than is common misconception.
And, OTHER Users/Patrons, DO NOT need/require, our (ie. one's) "Permission", to "Change" the information/details of "Deceased" individuals/persons, in "Family Tree", of 'FamilySearch'.
Here an old 'standby' of mine, that I have previously proffered on occasion ...
Most new (and, some old) Users/Patrons DO NOT understand the basic 'nature' and 'premise' of "Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch', when they join in.
Please let me explain ...
We do not have our OWN "Tree" in "Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch'.
We ONLY have "Branches" (ie. Ancestral" lines), that are interconnected, in this SINGLE "One" World "Tree", for all of us, that is "Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch'.
"Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch' is NOT like 'On-Line' "Websites" (eg. "Ancestry_com"; or "MyHeritage_com"; or, the like); and/or, 'standalone' personal (computer) programmes (eg, the OLD, now no longer supported, "PAF"; or, "Ancestral Quest"; or, the like).
We DO NOT have "Private"/"Personal" 'Trees' in "Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch' like other 'On-Line' "Websites"; and/or, 'standalone' personal (computer) programmes.
We do not even, own; or, manage; and, are NOT even responsible for, the "Deceased" individuals/persons in "Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch'.
And, most importantly ...
We DO NOT even, own; or, manage; and, are NOT even responsible for, Our OWN "Deceased" Ancestors/Family/Relatives in "Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch'.
"Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch' is built on a "Open Edit" Platform - hence, why any registered User/Patron can "Edit" (ie. Add, Delete; and/or, Change) ANY "Deceased" individual/person in "Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch'.
I hope that this gives you some, insight; and, perspective.
In other words ... "Collaboration" ...
Of course ... often ... easier said, than done ...
[ Sometimes, no matter how hard one tries, "Collaboration", does not work ... such is life ... ]
Plus ...
We ALL make MISTAKES ...
NONE of US are PREFECT ...
None of us want to have our "Ancestral" Lines 'messed up'; but, unfortunately, it happens.
That is exactly why, many Users/Patrons, ALSO maintain their own PRIVATE "Database(s)" (ie. Copies) of their "Ancestral" Lines , on 'On-Line' "Websites" (eg. "Ancestry_com"; or "MyHeritage_com"; or, the like); and/or, 'standalone' personal (computer) programmes (eg, the OLD, now no longer supported, "PAF"; or, "Ancestral Quest"; or, the like).
And ...
Unfortunately, some people like to ... 'look at life through rose coloured glasses'.
Some people, 'see' ONLY what they WANT to 'see', regardless of ALL the supporting evidence (ie. proof) that is provided/supplied/attached.
Honestly, we can ALL be 'one-eyed' like that ... at times ...
Truly ...
It is a matter of "Watching" (oops, sorry, 'old school', "Following") our MOST important Ancestors.
Just to keep on top of any 'wayward' changes.
One can "Follow", up to a Maximum of x4000 individuals/persons, at any given time.
'FamilySearch', sends one, a 'Weekly' NOTIFICATION, of ANY "Changes", that are made to those individuals/persons one "Follows".
Better still, I DO NOT 'Wait' for that 'Weekly' NOTIFICATION ...
I check, the "Changes", to those that I "Follow", on a "Daily" Basis; so that, I can keep on top of things.
More often that not, nothing needs to be done; but, at least, I have the opportunity, to be abreast of things; almost as, they happen/transpire/unfold.
Such is not the best; but, certainly better than nothing ...
MANY; Many; many, Users/Patrons, just do not 'play well', in the "Shared" SINGLE "One" World "Tree" concept.
MANY; Many; many, Users/Patrons, just want THEIR "Record" (ie. the "Details"/"Relationship" that they add), to appear, in THEIR "Tree", in "Family Tree", of 'FamilySearch', despite the fact, that they DO NOT have a "Tree", in "Family Tree", of 'FamilySearch'; as, they ONLY have have "Branches" (ie. Ancestral" lines), that are interconnected.
Such is one of the DRAWBACKS of participating in a "Shared" SINGLE "One" World "Tree" concept.
That being:
▬ You are NOT in "Control"; and,
▬ You have NO "Control"; and,
▬ You are at the mercy of others ... just like others at your mercy.
"Collaboration" is great in "Theory"; but, as we all well know, "Collaboration" is NOT always so great in "Practice".
Certainly not ideal ...
As I previous suggested ...
We ALL make MISTAKES ...
NONE of us are PERFECT ...
Unfortunately, some People ...'look at life, through rose coloured glasses' ...
▬ They ONLY 'see', what THEY want to 'see' ...
▬ IF, they DO NOT like, what THEY 'see' ... they simply ... 'Dismiss' it ...
.... [ ie. WHATEVER, "Sources" (ie. Records); or, Other "Details", are provided as "Support"/Proof"/"Evidence" ]
Such is life ...
You CANNOT 'Whitewash' HISTORY, it is what is was ...
[ But, some People, try very hard ... ]
It is often a matter, of SURVIVAL, of the MOST "Persistent" ...
Just my thoughts.
Good Luck.