How Do I Begin A New Tree?
How do I begin a second, independent tree on I began one years ago for a friend, now I would like to begin one for myself.
Thanks in advance!
Hello @CAMoulin
Thank you for posting your question about beginning your tree in FamilySearch Family Tree.
First of all, it's important to remember that Family Tree is not made up of individual trees, but is one single, public tree linked together in families. It continues to be a growing collection of family genealogies as people from all over the world have added their branches over many years.
To build your own branch of the tree, click on Family Tree in the header banner in the upper left of the screen and then Tree. This should take you to your own record (in a private space, because you are living). Click on your name and then a summary card will pop up. Then, click on Person. This takes you to your individual profile page where you can add your parents.
Adding living generations connects you to your deceased ancestors, so if your parents are living, you will need to add their parents and so forth, until you reach a deceased generation. You may very well find that a number of your deceased ancestors are already in the tree. As you enter names and vital information for the deceased during the "add" process, the system will look for possible matches.
Here are knowledge articles that discuss the process:
Hoping this information is helpful as you get started in Family Tree.
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It looks like this is a duplicate post to the one I answered here:
In my answer I outlined my concern based on how the question was phrased that when CAMolin clicks to go to his own record, he will end up on his friend's record. I also outlined how he can correct this.
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One method is to find a person anywhere in your friend's antecedents that already has a Person ID. Try looking for a baptism or marriage and see if it has already been attached to a PID that is part of a "twiglet" i.e. a miniature tree with no members other than those in the record. Your friend can use that point as a beginning and build on it, adding relatives and connecting to other "twiglets" if you find them. Sometimes it can take a while to find a record as I describe, but it does help to develop sleuthing skills.