Why is the "Unanswered" count showing 100+ when there are none

When I view a discussion, to the right hand side under "Quick Links", I see "Unanswered 100+"
If I click the link, it takes me to "https://community.familysearch.org/en/discussions/unanswered"
Which initially showed 2 questions, not 100+
I answered both of these, so now there are none in that location. Yet even after refreshing the page, the discussions "Quick Links" still shows 100+
Why is this ?
Best Answers
There appears to be an error on the system, we have been informed that the engineers are working to resolve this matter. This morning it is showing 100 plus, but in fact there are only 4 questions unanswered. I hope this helps you. All other functions are working normally.
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Others have commented that the Admins at FamilySearch and within the Community are aware of the incorrect information about Unanswered Questions, and it is being investigated and addressed.
Just a quick reminder: Community is being updated and a new look is scheduled to be available after November 1st. If you go to the home page for Community you can review information about what types of things to expect with the update. It is very possible that we will see unexpected things such as the glitch you mentioned until after the update.
Thank you for sharing your concern.
@LDS Search Test ( and @Gordon Hunter1 )
Attention: "Community.FamilySearch" Forum, Admin, @Mark McLemore
Related post ...
This particular matter was PREVIOUSLY (recently) raised on 19 October 2021, in the relevant 'Category' ...
"Q and A" Section
'Category' = FamilySearch Community
Home > Help Center Categories > FamilySearch Community
Community: Quick Links - Unanswered faulty amount displayed?
Why is Quick Links showing Unanswered 100+:
But upon clicking only see 3 ... now 4 ...? Hmm...
Just so that you are aware.
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Thank you for your comment
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I have little expertise in the community but one possibility is that threads such as shown below are counted as unanswered. When a thread is taken offline it is unlikely that it will ever be marked as answered. Just my thought.
There are numerous posts and comments like this thread and I believe they are contributing to large number of unanswered.
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Comment: If threads are 'offline'/unattached to a Category - there should be a way of removing them from 'Unanswered' Category - especially since these are not visible to Community. It wasn't behaving this way before - it was accurately reflecting the total - so something specific must have changed in the grouping of 'Unanswered'. I guess: When moving the Ideas categories maybe this consolidated all the Ideas that are not responded to into the Unanswered group?
Suggestion .... oh well I guess I need to make that elsewhere ...
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Hello @Brett ., @Gordon Hunter1 , @gasmodels ., @genthusiast,
Thanks for reporting this and the discussion. This is a bug that is being investigated.