Problem sending a batch
I received a batch that contains "1of 1" images. That image contains only 6 marriages from the a marriage register from Barbados in 1853. The project says that there are 25 entries but each marriage is one entry so I only have 6 entries instead of 25. Quality control tells me there are 18 more issues that are simply placing entries that don't exist and I can't submit the batch. What should I do?
Delete the extra/unneeded Entries - using the Trashcan icon in the menu bar - and then Submit the batch.
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Like Genthusiast already stated, click on the trash can on the tool bar, this opens a window, select "All blank Entries" and then click delete. After doing that you should be able to Submit the batch.
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From the “What to Remember About This Project” section of the Instructions for your Batch/Project. you will find this advice below. Similar guidance is provided with most if not all Project Instructions. The number 25 is just an estimate of what you might need for each image. Some projects provide a default number of 300 empty entries per image, some as few as 2. Similar advice to the following will likely be found in their Instructions.
- Images may show multiple records. You may need to add or delete entries in the data entry area to index all of the records on a document or remove any unused entries.