Missouri Obituaries, various counties -
In an attempt to learn and to refresh my memory I opened a Missouri Obituary review batch. I realize ordinarily it should have been sent back for reindexing. I am hoping someone with more recent experience will check to see if it is correctly done and will also answer the several questions I have below regarding it. I do appreciate the help so much. It has been awhile since I indexed and I find that things have changed and I have forgotten so much. After corrections should I submit it or should it go back to be reindexed?
#5 - is "native of" enough to indicate Jennie E Boyer Mitchell's birthplace?
#8 - is "judge" a prefix?
#19 - can the wife's current residence be used as deceased's place of residence?
#36 - Is "lived in his entire life" enough for place of residence?
#38 & #58 - Is the presence of a maiden name enough to determine the sex of "female" and "male" and the relationship of "mother" and "father"
#39 & 61 - is the surname Grant or is it Grant Mitchell. Is the surname Matthews or Matthews Mitchell
#55 - Can Mrs. Mitchell be given the wife relationship? She could possibly be the mother.
#56 - Is Mrs. Inez Monegan "Aunt" or is she "Relative"?
#64 - Can Jr. signify "male" and "son"?
Do you see other problems that should be corrected?
#5 Native of was allowed to indicate a birthplace. "Lifetime resident" was not.
#8 Who knows? Back in the beginning we indexed Sheriff. Now this project has a field help that says don't index Reverend or Pastor? (I wouldn't index Judge based on the Rev Pastor thing...)
#19 Would depend on the wording. I don't think that "his wife, of St Clair" is enough.
#36 Judgment call: "lifetime resident" rule?
#38 & 58 = It is not unless you can prove that is a maiden name. Without that evidence, then her given name is Cora Marr. If there were grandparents listed that showed her maiden name was Marr, or if Marr was in parenthesis, or was listed as née, or later said survived by his mother, Cora (or his father) then you have evidence of gender. Like in Record #60, it would be okay since the mother is (Elizabeth Mitchell (nee Wright). Technicalities...
#39 + 61 - Since the married surname is never included with the wife's name, it is not indexed. (Grant and Matthews)
55 - I would index her as his wife.
56 - is also his aunt (unless you don't want to index 55 as his wife - then they are nonrelatives).
64 - No, Jr cannot signify a gender. There are female Jrs and Srs.
I didn't look at every single entry, but, I think your memory is good. I would not send this back for reindexing because they missed a few records. These are complicated and deserve advanced reviewers fixing them! Good job.