I am just another 'lowly User/Patron ...
Very basically ...
You ONLY need to add the "Memory" (ie. Photograph/Image) to ONE individual/person, in the first instance.
Once, (ie. "As") you have done that, all that you need to now do, is "Tag", the OTHER individuals/persons, that you wish, in that "Memory" (ie. Photograph/Image) against that ONE (ie. First) individual/person.
Because, when you "Tag" OTHER individuals/persons in that "Memory", a copy/version of that "Memory", ALSO appears, in the "Memories" 'Tab', of EACH, of the OTHER individuals/persons, that you "Tag".
ie. One "Upload"; can, have MANY copies/versions, against ALL those individuals/persons "Tagged".
As an aside ...
Here are some "Knowledge Articles" in 'FamilySearch":
How do I tag memories of my ancestors or relatives in Family Tree?
How do I edit or delete person tags in Memories?
Where it states, among other things:
No limit exists for the number of tags for a given photo or document.
However, when you add a tag to a photo, you need to start each tag in a different place within the photo.
The system does not allow you to put a new tag on top of an existing one.
If a photo has a full-screen tag, you need to shrink it in order to add additional tags.
Good Luck.
I hope this helps.