FHC Director Help

I am new as Family History Center Director, and I have no clue what this is all about. How do I get some personal training?
George Kay
Atlanta Ward FHCD
PS. I do not even know where to go to get answer to this question.
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@GeorgeKay1 , you might start by going to the FHC Category and asking that same question. To get there, click the "Q and A" (on the right side of your screen, then click on the "Family History Centers" category.
You should have a HC in the Stake in charge of the FHC, get him involved to find you training with the Area T&FH people.
Also in a practical vein, find out who your Local Tech Support person is and get to know him/her ASAP.
Get a hold of the outgoing director for their input.
There is a FHC Operation Guide online, may be a little out of date. But it's a starting point. https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/bc/content/ldsorg/callings/temple-and-family-history/family-history-center-director/ops-guides/PD10048360_000-FHC-Operations-USCANWEB.PDF
Now, I may have missed your point. If you only want to know how Communities works then @Mark McLemore can answer that best since things will be changing soon.
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Congratulations on your new calling! Being the lead stake temple and family history consultant in the FHC can be so rewarding!
Chas Howell had great advice. The HC can share the stake goals and you can determine how the FHC can assist with those stake goals. The STS is vital for your center to run smoothly! And definitely ask the outgoing leader for information on the nuts and bolts of running the center. But remember, you now have the mantle and can make changes as inspired.
I have some suggestions:
- Find, print, and read this help center article: New family history center leader helps • FamilySearch.
- In the margins pose questions or needs for clarifications. Then post here or call FHC Support and ask for clarifications.
- Also look for the "Related Articles" on at the end of the article, and read them.
- Ask your STS for a tour of the closet/room where the Internet server lives. You may have to troubleshoot with one of the missionary techs.
- Attend the "Tech Talk" each 1st Thursday, 7 PM which is offered at ET, PT, HT.
- Join the FHS Technical Support Group (NA) Family History Center Technical Support (North America) — FamilySearch Community
- Contact Support before you tear your hair out. We are here to help.
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