What do you do for a record number when there are 3 record numbers?
I was indexing this batch [M3FQ-67F] when I noticed that on image 3, a declaration of intention, there was the place at the top left where it said "No." with a line where you would write it. On that line was written "22549". Below that was "12882". At the top right (in the usual blue font in which record numbers are in), it said "5", then a space, and then "27978". The previous images had "19204" as their record number, and the last image had "19205", so I also can't use that to infer which one is correct on this image. My question is as follows: Which of those record numbers should I enter?
Best Answer
I would use the 22549 because of the instruction :
When multiple record numbers on an image are present, index the number that is preceded by the abbreviation "No." and not the number written under the word "Original." If there are multiple record numbers on an image with the "No." abbreviation, use the number at the top of the record.
We can't search on these numbers anyway - so whatever you choose is non-critical.
On Image 1, there is a name variation for the petitioner that you will want to catch. She arrived under the name Marigo Pasparaki. So her name would be index as
Given Name: Marigo or Mary
Surname: Pasparaki Anastasios Theofanou
(I am not sure if her husband's given name of Anastasios is a given or surname for the wife in Greek Culture)
These changes to instructions over various naturalization projects never cease to amaze me. Now they are using the stamped petition number for the Oath of Allegiance. Oaths of Allegiance have never had record numbers ... until now. On another collection they are indexing the Certificate of Naturalization number for the Oath, and on another they are not indexing any numbers for the Oath.
Ok, thanks!