Where can I find records for Pietradefusi, Italy from 1866 on?
I have searched several genealogy sites for records of relatives from Pietradefusi, Avellino, Campania, Italy between 1865 and 1920 to no avail. It appears that both FamilySearch and the Italian site Antenati don't contain these records. Would anyone know who might have these records?
Separate question:
I am also looking for the marriage record of some ancestors from Pietradefusi that were born there (ca. 1820) and had several children (ca.1850-1862). The marriage record does not appear to be recorded in Pietradefusi civil records. I also checked several of the surrounding communities. (I am searching images from Antenati. Pietradefusi records are not digitized in Antenati and Family Search.) Would anyone have any search suggestions?
Thanks in advance.
Best Answer
This page from the FamilySearch Wiki may help you in your search:
You may also like to join the Community Group for Italy where you will find more focused help and assistance from others doing similar research.
Hope this helps.
Ann Ciarcia did you find what you were looking for because I am looking for the same exact dates and place Pietradefusi ....