Qué pasó con el departamento DATA SERVICES en SLC?
If I understand you correctly you are wanting to know how to ask a question regarding FamilySearch. We now have the FamilySearch community where you can ask questions in a variety of categories. This is more like a chat discussion.
To access the community click on the help icon in FamilySearch (the question mark with the circle around it). That opens the help window. Then at the bottom of that window click on Community. You will need to sign in to that with your same FamilySearch user name and password. On the left you will see a Q and A link. Once you click on that you can click on the specific category related to your question and ask a question.
Here are some links that will help https://community.familysearch.org/en/categories/familysearch-community-q%26a https://community.familysearch.org/en/categories/help-center-categories This replaces emails and we have many people looking at these individual categories and answering your specific questions.
Hopefully this will help you.