Get Rid of the ANY Date Place search!

That ANY date field is driving me nuts.
I put in a birth range, I put in a residence range, I search, Hide the search box so I can see the results, reopen the search box and the ANY is populated with which ever dates it decides.
I can't think of ANY Reason to do an ANY search.
ANY thing with a date in a certain range whether it be birth, death, or census is of course going to give people results they can't work with!
(Comments deleted by poster)
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This problem has been fixed. Apparently feedback is being listened to.
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Well this WAS fixed and now it is back.
I put in name birth range and the beginning date jumps to the any date. Can’t get any relevant results
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I am just another 'lowly' User/Patron ...
Contrary to your thoughts/desire ...
I would humbly suggest, that:
That, "Any" parameter, in 'Life Event' section, in the "More Options", of the "Record/Results", of a "Search", IS required; and, should NOT be "Removed".
I use, that particular, "Any" parameter, quite often; ESPECIALLY, when the actual 'Event", that I am searching for is NOT, Birth; Marriage; Residence (eg, Census); or Death.
I have gotten more 'Hits' (ie Results), that I was 'looking' for, with that "Any" parameter, than when using the likes of that of, Birth; Marriage; Residence (eg. Census); or Death.
So ...
That Said ...
I for one, would certainly NOT want, that "Any" parameter, in 'the Life Event' section, in the "More Options", of the "Record/Results", of a "Search", to be "Removed".
I would humbly suggest. that:
IF, you DO NOT need it; THEN, just simply IGNORE it - you do not have to use it, if you do not need to.
Just my thoughts.
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Well, I don't like the ANY date because
1) ANY sometime self populates, and I can't get it to consistantly do it so that I could give a step by step direction as to how to create the problem, so the programmers could fix it. It happens when I revise my search, it used to always happen, now it sometimes happens and once it is in this state, all search revisions populate the ANY field until I start my search from scratch. That means a whole bunch of clicks to screen changes to get to the correct search box to start over.
2) ANY doesn't bring the records that I'm looking for to the top of the list, so what is the point. I just tried ANY date range looking for an immigration record and a name and Type as immigration, the records for people coming in that ANY date range or being naturalized in that date range are not at the top of the list.
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That is interesting ...
And, weird, at the same time ...
As, when I have been searching, I have NOT had, the "ANY" Field, even appear, let alone 'self populate'.
The ONLY time, that the "ANY" Field, even appears, for me, is when I "Remove" the rest; and, use it.
Just my experience.
ps: As I inferred previously ...
I find that that "Any" parameter, in 'the Life Event' section, in the "More Options", of the "Record/Results", of a "Search", to be quite helpful/beneficial ...
But ...
That Said ...
Maybe, that is just me ...