Can the index record for James Claghorn be updated?
The index for James Claghorn, top of page 11 here indicates a birth year of 2017 instead of 1751.
The short answer to your title question is "nope".
The longer answer is that if the incorrect date is the result of a more widespread metadata or post-processing error, it may eventually get corrected, but if it's a one-off, then there is no correction method currently in place for it. Some fields of some collections are correctable by users like you and me, but these Massachusetts Town Clerk records are not currently part of that pool. FS has stated that they intend to expand the availability of corrections, so the field may become correctable at some point in the future.
In the meantime, you can console yourself with the fact that the index did, in fact, serve its purpose: you found the record.
(I think the correct year is 1789, no?)