What is the meaning of Ult or Inst mean with a date like 6 Ult 1750
Best Answer
Without the specific record - inst/instant usually has reference to the 'current month' - ult/ ultimate - may refer to 'previous month'
"Ultimo (Ult.) – This refers to the previous month."
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Thank you for this information. My daughter and I went to Google and found the explanations of Ult and Inst, which agree with comments made above.
My question is:
How do I index these abbreviations? Do I just index the abbreviation as shown in the batch/record? Or do I substitute the name of the previous month when the record indicates "Ult", or the name of the current month, when the record indicates "Inst"?
I am indexing an advanced batch for the Middlesex parishes, circa 1770. I am able to read the handwriting; it is excellent. I want to be accurate and thorough in my efforts to index this batch, and would really appreciate an official response so I may do this indexing correctly.
Thank you so much,
Sister Barbara A. Jensen (CSM, St George, Utah, FS Center
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Yes, you would select the name of the actual month from the drop-down box. It won't let you type in anything other than a month (or "BLANK"). Inst and Ult are accepted terms, just as, if you saw "Eodem Die" in a Latin script one, you would type the date of the previous entry.