My great great grandparents have been merged with someone else

Pedro Antonio Lopes G8GR-FDF and Maria Ygnacia Lopes LLC-8713 have been combined with another couple of similar names; thus when I perform searches, I only receive info from this other couple. Even their children are listed on this other couple. Every time I select a hint regarding this family, it reverts to the other couple. How do I separate them?
The profile for Pedro Antonio Lopez G8GR-FDF was created yesterday and all activity on that profile is under your username.
Maria Ignacia Valdes is profile LL3C-87B rather than LLC-8713. It appears that you merged Maria 9JFV-C7N and LL3C-87B today.
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I have tried to fix the problem myself to no avail. Every hint i accept reverts to the original mistake.
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