Can I access the FHC e-mail from my home computer?
I am just another 'lowly' User/Patron ...
[ And, I happen to be a member of the Church ... ]
[ Plus, one who has worked in "Family History Centres" of the Church for many Years ... ]
Short Answer: 'Yes', one can, through, Church Mail, at: https://familyhistorymail.org/
I was just able, to get into the "E-mail", of our "Family History Centre", from my Computer at Home.
[ I was just checking to make sure the aforementioned still worked; and, such works just fine ... ]
And ...
As an aside ...
I also have such access, on my "Mobile" Phone; where, I get access to "E-mail", of our "Family History Centre", I have had such for some time.
Plus ...
Here are some "Knowledge Articles" in 'FamilySearch':
FamilyHistoryMail overview for family history centers
Forwarding all email from FamilyHistoryMail to a personal email address
How can I stop forwarding email from FamilyHistoryMail to a personal email address?
I hope this helps.
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Thank you for your question.
Besides the links that were posted in the first answer there is another link through the Family History Center Tech Support (North America) Community.
In the Quick Links section, it is #1.
https://familyhistorymail.org/ This requires the same log in information.
Thank you for your service in your Family History Center.