when will you go back to the original easy search method
The changes to the family search are not great.The previous method was so simple and easy to use. Have been using for a long time and was the best and easiest to use. can't say that now. Tell people all the time about family search and how easy to use, espcially for people who really are not computer users. This change is really not user friendly anymore. Please change it back.
Here is a link where you can give your feedback. https://www.familysearch.org/help/helpcenter/article/how-do-i-give-feedback-to-familysearch
Be assured that the engineers analyze feedback and make changes for the best use of FamilySearch.
Thank you for your input.
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Also, it would be very helpful to some of us if we knew from where you were searching and not finding the items you hope to find. For instance, are you in the Genealogies or are you searching for something in Family Tree related to a specific ancestor and from that person's Details page? There have been changes in the Genealogies area and I wonder if that is what the issue is? Thank you for any information that would clarify the specific search issues.