contact family search

I just got off the phone to Family Search support or I would never have known how to contact you to give feedback! It used to be very simple to contact family search with a question on an ancestor for example "He was born in the covenant but family search shows that he needs to be sealed to parents, etc". There was an email format under Contact Us that you could easily straighten something like that out. And I see that I can no longer see my cases???
Now, instead of " contact us" you have to choose "community"???? to even begin to get to where I am right now. Who would ever know that???? I actually can't remember how I got here!! I am an experienced consultant and you have made something so simple so complicated and unclear that I will have to have all the steps written down to know how to do this. Family Search needs to be as user friendly as possible to encourage members to actually try to do something on their family history.
PLEASE go back and make contacting you more user friendly and quit making changes to things that work just to give your staff opportunities to have a job!!! Do any of you actually know how to do family history???????? I am really tired of all the changes to things that work well and were simple in Family Search
Becky Schultz
I would love to be able to talk with a person in order to get facts concerning my mother corrected. In the family tree she is shown to be her sibling with her name and then, Sr. Also she did not die twice, but on the 10th Nov 1992 in Irvington, VA and is in the Grove Family Tree not Bray. I need help...please. Frances Grove Gladding
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This message is for the engineers.
I am very frustrated with temple ordinances
- It used to be you could see how many persons you were checking off to print off the cards or send names to friends. Why can't you make a box like there used to be so I can see how many persons I have checked???
- I used the filter. I just wanted names to send to family via email that needed initiatory and endowment. After I sent the names, I see that baptisms aren't done yet. I thought that was what the filter was for!!
- So I wanted to see if I could unsend those names. Spent hour on with FH support and they finally came up with the fact that I should click the resend button and put my email address. So I did that on the name that needed baptism. I checked my email and it sent me back the entire list of names I had sent rather than just that one. I could see the list and evidently if you send to friends and family you have to send all the ordinances in addition to just the ones they wanted. So that means I have to look through the 1800 ordinances I have reserved without filtering them and find persons with only the ordinances the person wants. The big problem with that is that I can only check boxes of people I want on one page. If I go to the next page I lose all the ones on the previous page!!! I might have to send 5 emails to give someone 5 names!!
- Why can't I accumulate names that are checked on more than one page at a time?? For example a while ago I found baptisms for my ward young men and women. I could only print from one page at a time on my reservation list. Such a pain when I wanted 40 or each. You used to be able to do 45 names at a time????
- My experience is that you are always making changes to Family Search that make it less user friendly. How am I supposed to teach persons in my ward when you keep complicating things that were fairly simple????????? If someone of my years of experience thinks it is complicated, Imagine your average user!!
- Becky Schultz
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In addition, in working with my reservation list., when I get to the bottom of the page and check to go to the next page, it goes to the bottom of the next page. Why doesn't it go to the top???? Every other site does!
Becky Schultz
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Well, if the intent of changes is to make using FS more difficult, you certainly succeeded. I can't find any way to actually contact support except to do a google word search. It was simple before to find a KA. Now I get any and all kinds of options, none of which relate to my problem. What used to be quick and simple now requires a PhD in technology and hope it works. But it doesn't. I'm not a newbie. Nor am I totally ignorant. But I am having a hard time as a long time temple and family history consultant following these changes.
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F.S has entered an incorrect ancestor in my Family Tree. Does ANYONE know how I can erase this error, please.
Where is the simple 'contact us' gone!
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What is the email or telephone number that we use now to ask questions. I am seeing so many changes on the website over what it used to be that it is hard to navigate. I have a person who I am trying to help get his mother's name cleared so that he can do her temple work. She has a yellow triangle on her name. It says that we need to contact family search. Well, how do we do this now? Things have changed a lot. Please get back with me asap. Thank you.
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Here is the link to Contact Us:
Take a look at the area, country you are located and schedule- Hope it helps.
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The contact for support is only open during certain hours. I do much of my work at night.
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Exactly what I need to do right now on my 3 full siblings that have the wrong birth parents on their profiles!! So I got copies of all 3 live birth certificates and will post them everyday and / or share until I see the change! Among people that represent LDS is my half sister unfortunately who has made it hard to fix bymyself on my siblings profiles. They are both gone now but they will not rest in peace until FS fixes this.