Why are there now so many similar peculiarites in both the New Search results, and in Acnersty ?

Since the introduction of the New Search, I have resorted to seeking other avenues to continue my work.
It has become apparent that the peculiarities so prevalent in the results from queries in the New Search are also present in the results from Acnersty Search and that the change occurred at around the same time.
Are both systems using the same query formulation ?
I haven't see the Ancestry changes. If FamilySearch and Ancestry share the same indexes that's great - I wish all indexes were shared. If they share similar Search peculiarities I would guess maybe it has something to do with these shared indexes. If Search parameters rank Search Results differently on shared indexes - that might be a problem in Search - I don't know.
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@AnthonyTowers1 Thanks, for that. I know about it, and it's the topic of a number of discussions. That button is not available to me until I can work backwards through the code to discover why it is being blocked by security and privacy filters. I am not going to just turn off all security to see if it works. I am already investigating the issue, but between working to try and get the search to work, and trying to research and exclude a whole bunch of people with the same names, and posting in the ideas boards, I can only give it part of my attention. When I can get it to work, I'll use it - a lot, but for now it will wait until I have a list of all the feedback I need to give, and can get to a centre or library and use a public workstation.
However, part of the reason for posting to the community rather than sending feedback, is to seek corroboration from other members. If no one else is finding the problem, then it's just me, and I'll try to find out why.
POSTEM: The feedback link has now re-appeared in the page footer, just like it always used to. I wonder if a little background fixing has taken place ? However, the link simply takes you to the Discussion Boards !
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The FEEDBACK at the bottom of most FamilySearch pages and the Feedback button on the Right-hand side of most pages with source images are different. You are right the one at the bottom does just direct you to the Community - a nice loop effect...
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@LDS Search Test , you are not seeing the feedback tab on the righthand edge of pages? From what FS staff have shared recently, most users do not see it. So, the reason you don't see it may have nothing to do with your security.
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On my FS account the Feedback side button comes and goes. Sometimes I don't see it for weeks.
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There may be some platform/server issues going on ... I got a message my previous post was too detailed
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OK, it seems like there's a lot going on with the animated feedback buttton. I won't bother doing anything to untangle my end for a few weeks to see if things change.
Back to the topic though, I suppose it would take a lot of people a lot of time to run parallel searches on both systems looking for weird mistakes in the results that they both have in common. I just happened to be focussing on two different people with the same name, so I was narrowing down the search as much as possible but I kept getting results that were nothing like what I'd entered. After a lot of adjusting the search criteria, and trying again, I'd begun to recognize them as unwanted annoyances. When I tried searching on Acnersty, hoping it would work better, lo and behold, the same dodgy results appeared. That's what I meant by peculiarities.
@genthusiast Is that too detailed ? ; )