Middlesex, England - names help please
Hello - I am reviewing this batch and finding 16 name which I am finding difficult to decipher out of 135.
Should I return the batch for someone else, or wait for anyone who has some time here to perhaps help me out?
The entries are numbers, 26 28th jul, 31 4th aug, 33, 34 24th aug, 35, 38 20th sep, 41, 42, 47, 49, 53 13th dec, 98 18th jun 1638, 111, 114, 121 and 133.
It's a lot I know. I am interested in the ux in the last one. Is this Suzan wife of Roberts, or Suzan Roberts?
Thanks again, Pam
Maybe (by the way 24 17th Jul: Bridget)
26 28th Jul : Paine;
(28 1st Aug: Baynor?);
31 4th Aug: Thomas Page
33 17 Aug: Unreadable B*rd
34 24 Aug: Richard Paine
Maybe 35 25 Aug: Kathen [Blank]?
38 20 Sep: G*der a child
41 ?
42 ?nott
49 Eliz Bezell?
53 13 Dec: Grimlies child
111 Fe?well
121 Looks like there's an x in the given name, maybe Alex?
Last one: almost looks like an ampersand, doesn't it?