Error in catalog of film description Overijse, Belgium
The correct description of film 4342483 is: Geboorten, huwelijken, overlijdens 1856 -- Huwelijksafkondigingen, huwelijks bijlagen 1856.
The mention of Huwelijken, overlijdens 1857 is wrong.
The correct description of film 4342784 is: Geboorten, huwelijken, overlijdens 1857 -- Huwelijksafkondigingen, huwelijks bijlagen 1857
Unfortunately, no corrections to the Catalog can be made at this time, as it is undergoing a major overhaul.
Perhaps you should keep a note or this, and any other errors you might encounter, and report again once the new version of the Catalog is up and running.
This discussion has been closed.