Bug in source linker

New today, the source linker page is not completing its redisplay after an attachment. Refreshing the page multiple times gets the job done. It appears the database is updating normally, just the page is not redrawing correctly.
Best Answers
This information has now been forwarded to the department that can review the SourceLinker issue and let you know about their findings.
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This issue has now been forwarded to the department that can review the issue and let the patron know what is found.
It would be worth using the information within the link here to see if it makes any difference as some of these issues as you have noted are related to the way one computer is talking to, or not talking to, the FamilySearch computers: https://www.familysearch.org/help/helpcenter/article/how-do-i-delete-all-of-the-cookies-and-temporary-files-stored-by-my-internet-browser
Included in the above link is the simple first step to delete cookies from FamilySearch by clicking this link then signing back into FamilySearch: https://www.familysearch.org/cookies
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The behavior is intermittent, so not an issue on my desktop. The server is sometimes not sending complete page code.
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This problematic behavior continues.