Making searching and viewing of records easier
The subject of the Searching and viewing category on the main Ideas page shows "Give us your thoughts on making searching and viewing of records easier." so here goes ...
1: Under Preferences in the More Options section of the Search page, please provide a selection button to set the side of the page for the More Options section to be displayed, Left or Right.
2: in the same section, please provide a button to set the display of the More Options section to be permanent and not animated.
3: in the same section, please provide a button to cause blank fields to be treated as wild cards when exact is selected.
4: This is simply Aesthetic, but if the More Options section is displayed permanently, then it might as well be titled "Search", or just remove the title.
5: In the Advanced Search section of the newly titled "Search" section, (i) Move all the input field toggle buttons to the left side, and place them in a vertical alignment. (ii) when the input field is displayed, hide the toggle button and display the input field where the toggle button was. (iii) Place a 'close' X icon attached to top right of the input field border. (iv) remove all instances of "REMOVE " e.g. Remove Life Event, Remove Ancestor Name, etc. because they will now be redundant. (v) Move all the 'Exact' checkboxes and labels to above the field inline with the field title. (vi) Provide an 'exact' checkbox and label for the year input fields to enable exact matching of event years independently of other fields.
6: In the results section of the Search page, (i) remove the row separation lines, (ii) display alternate results with a pale shaded background, (iii) allow the column widths to be resized by the user. (iv) If the user has selected Minimal or Default in the Diplay Information preferences and the result cell contains more information than is currently displayed, then the relevant row should expand to show all available data when the user selects the row with a click or touch, such expansion to be removed after a second click or touch.
I believe that incorporating the above improvements will make searching and viewing of records significantly easier. And that's was this is about, right ?