Missing thumbnails
Please share the batch, so we can see the batch to help answer your question.
To share a batch:
- When in batch, go to top of page above toolbar, click on "Help" button.
- A window will open, click on Share Batch.
- When window opens, you have 2 choice of how to share batch, you can choose either option.
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I'm going to step out on a limb here. If you share your batch as suggested, someone will be able to look at it and help for sure. Here are some supposition-based ideas without the benefit of seeing your batch.
If your batch has more than one image, you should see a little highlighted "Image 1 of x" in the lower-left of your screen with an arrow that you can click to make the thumbnails appear and disappear. However, you might have just one image in your batch, so there would be no thumbnails.
Also, this project defaults to providing 5 blank Entries per image. That doesn't necessarily mean that there are 5 records on that image or elsewhere in the batch. If you only have one image and only one record (or fewer than five anyway) on that image, you will have one or more extra/leftover blank entries. You might think that there should be another image with records to fill those extra entries. But you need to delete them using the trashcan icon in the middle of the Horizontal toolbar. Select the option "all blank entries," click Delete, and those extra entries will vanish, and you will be able to submit your batch.