Image Available - Group of Images
I need to access and read the source document which originated the id M9CJ-5T6 (Juan Castilla 1619). I did look through the entire microfilm twice (1458251 Digital folder 007814960) and was not able to locate the image I need!
FamilySearch informed that the source came from the indexing batch M79104-1 image 117.
I am aware that the image number informed (117) is related to the batch and not exactly correspond to the image (117) of the entire digital folder, but I am wondering if someone could locate this image for me.
I always was able to find the images I need looking through the digital folder myself without extra help, but in this case I would appreciate some help!!
@genthusiast, a batch number like "M79104-1" refers to the often decades-old indexes of the IGI, not to any ongoing indexing project.
Unfortunately, I'm just a lowly non-LDS user, so I cannot help with finding the correct image. (According to the message, I'd have to find an FHC or affiliate library to view this film.)
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Searching by Batch number, on the "advanced" (or 2nd) Records Search page for batch M79104-1 gives the following result
You could browse through, but record 117 on the list did not seem to be the person you mentioned. I'm not sure what else the 117 would refer to.
Just looking at the first record in the batch says that it from microfilm 1458250, Digital Folder Number 007814959. Generally the batches were just one microfilm. So if the batch number is correct, perhaps you should be looking at a different microfilm.
As Julia said, for non LDS church members these records are not available on our home computers, so you are reliant on information from a Church member who can see the images
Edit: he is on the 2nd page (100 per page) for film number 1458251, very roughly record 130 , so if the records are in the same order as the images, he should be in the same order in the images
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The pages listed in the Search> Records (pages 100 records per page) are not in order of the film so that doesn't help.
Searching IGI for batch M79104-1 doesn't seem to work either.
Seems like we still need FS person with access...