I am currently reviewing US, Missouri—Naturalization Records, 1843–1991 [Part A][M34K-P5S].
I am currently reviewing US, Missouri Naturalization Records, 1843-1991, Part A. There have been records created for the children of the petitioner. I do not recall seeing any instructions in the Project Instructions to record children of petitioners. Should they be indexed? If not, how should I delete their records?
Best Answer
In the Project Instructions under What to Remember about This Project, the 7th bullet point says
- Index information about the person seeking naturalization and about the person's spouse, all in the same entry in the data entry area. Do not index the names of parents, children, or other relatives that are listed on the document.
Delete the children's entries. You do this by clicking on the icon that looks like a garbage can when you are on an entry that needs deleted. The default is The Current Entry. Click on Delete. Repeat for each child.
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