what should I do with this batch?
Italia (Antenati Italiani), Grosseto—Stato Civile, Nascita, 1866–1899[MSWK-JMT]
It is obvious that records 58 and 59 are missing from this batch - oops! the operator must have skipped a page or the book is incorrectly numbered or something. Should I just index the images that are there with the omission or return the batch?
Best Answer
Thanks for asking. 🙂
Please index the records that are in the batch.
FamilySearch does not currently have a way for us to report images that could have been missed during the digitization of a microfilm. They are currently exploring options to be able to report and correct these kinds of issues.
Thank you! I used to work with the microfilms when they came in from the field, and it wasn't all that hard to get the microfilmer to go back and pick up those records which had been missed. I've spliced quite a few missing records in to their proper places on a microfilm.