Transcriber omitted children
The person who transcribed this sheet entered the husband (Alpollino Cicura), but did not enter his wife and children. I don't think I can fix it, Could Admin please look at it?
"United States Census, 1920", database with images, FamilySearch ( : 29 September 2021), Alpollino Cicura, 1920.
Best Answer
@Rene Greer Williams This is a known issue with some of the census indexes. We see that Alpollino Cicura's name has been edited. For some reason, edits can make the rest of the household disappear. We will add this instance to our report to the engineers. They are working to fix these issues. Fortunately, it appears that the census was attached to all the household members already, so it is in Family Tree as a source for each of them. Hopefully, engineers will soon be able to fix the problem so that you can also see all the household members on the index pages. So sorry for this odd bug. Thank you for reporting it.
Yes, you are correct. Currently only Alpollino Cicura (head of family is Editable). At some point if the other family members become available you can add them - until then you can add a Note in the Attach to Tree Reason Statement that the other family members are not currently in the index.
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"Attach to Tree Reason Statement"?
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I don't know what a tree reason statement is or where to find that field