Three major errors found and need to be corrected.
Under my Mother Twyla Maye Hughes 13 Dec 1929 you have her dead and she is so much alive as I am typing this. She is in assisted living in Yuma, AZ
You also list Joan Marie Poppe as being married to both of my Uncles Nelson and Paul. She was married to only Nelson.
Under Paul Joseph Howard 06 Dec 1927 he was married to JoAnn Stanley (Possibly Zwiebel). Yes they had one son by the name of Steven Howard, not
Joseph Russell Howard. Joseph Russel Howard was born to Nelson Russell Howard and Joanne Poppe and Joseph R. Howard is alive in Wapakoneta, OH
Auglaize Co. Please e=mail me back when you have corrected these errors for I need to get dates on Pauls JoAnn. Thanks Timothy P. Howard
Welcome to the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum
I am just another 'lowly' User/Patron ...
As a "Registered" User/Patron of 'FamilySearch' ...
YOU can make ALL the "Changes" that you require/desire.
Before you do anything else; even, before, his 'Status' of actually "Living" ...
You may want to "Change" the "Parent-Child" Relationship for Joseph Russell HOWARD ( LTYY-BWB ), from the incorrect Parents of Mother, Joan Marie POPPE ( LTYY-15F ) / Father, Paul Joseph HOWARD ( MW63-ZQB ), to the correct Parents of Mother, Joan Marie POPPE ( LTYY-15F ) / Father, Russell Nelson HOWARD ( LTYB-917 ).
That way, Joseph Russell HOWARD ( LTYY-BWB ) is with the correct Parents, regardless of other problems/issues.
Here is a "Knowledge Article" in 'FamilySearch':
How do I correct parent-child relationships in Family Tree?
Now ...
For, your Mother Twyla Maye HUGHES ( LTY2-4YJ ); and, Joseph Russell HOWARD ( LTYY-BWB ), you simply "Edit" the "Death" record, "Changing" the 'Staus', from "Living", to "Deceased"; and, provide a "Reason Statement" (ie. 'Reason This Information Is Correct' ).
As, those individuals/person were "Created" by ANOTHER User/Patron, when you make that aforementioned "Change", from "Living", to "Deceased", the ACTION will NOT be IMMEDIATE, it take a day or so.
What will happen is, that you will be advised, that the matter is being referred to 'FamilySearch' for investigation; and, if 'FamilySearch' agree with you; then, the 'Status' will be "Changed"; and, the both, Twyla Maye HUGHES ( LTY2-4YJ ); and, Joseph Russell HOWARD ( LTYY-BWB ), will DISAPPEAR from "Public" view; and, into the "Private Spaces" of the User/Patron who created them - you will NOT 'see' them anymore.
Here is a "Knowledge Article" in 'FamilySearch':
How do I change the status from deceased to living in Family Tree?
For, Joan Marie POPPE ( LTYY-15F ), you can "Remove" the INCORRECT "Couple" Relationship, that with Paul Joseph HOWARD ( MW63-ZQB ).
Here is a "Knowledge Article" in 'FamilySearch':
A person in Family Tree has the wrong spouse
As an aside ...
Of course, regardless of the aforementioned ...
You can simply 'Message' (in/through User Messaging" of 'FamilySearch') the Users/Patrons who "Created" the aforementioned individuals/person, requesting that they make the "Changes" that you require/desire, in the hope that those Users/Patron make the necessary "Changes" that you require/desire.
Personally, I would do the "Changes" that you require/desire, yourself, in the first instance; thereby, NOT relying on the Other Users/Patrons. You can certainly 'Message' (in/through User Messaging" of 'FamilySearch') the Other Users/Patrons at a later date, after making the "Changes" yourself.
I hope this helps, somewhat.