Wives left off descendancy report

I just noticed that when I use the descendancy chart it loads up without the spouses listed.
and how do you print a descendancy chart from familysearch?
I am having a family get together and want to show each family how they connect--need to print it out
Pat Lowe
Best Answer
Show/Hide spouses is in the Options menu of the descendancy tree viewer.
check this article out
You can collapse or expand the spouses view.
Also, the print descendancy chart may not be present, you can always print from the browser by doing a right mouse button click and selecting print.
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How do I expand the spouse view? I cannot see how. I can see and use the expand the generations view but that does not include spouses...hence my question/concern.
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Problem solved! Thanks,, I had never really noticed that there is an options button on the top right of the descendancy page to add or take off spouses. I had clicked off the options to take off spouses while I had been helping someone else several days earlier learn how to use the descendancy chart to quickly see temple ordinances still needed. I had without thinking clicked them all off and left it that way inadvertently.