1915 Sioux City, Woodbury, Iowa, USA state census
You did not tell us what kind of message you got when you tried to print all 84,870 results from the 1915 Sioux City, Iowa State Census, but if you received the message that you had "exceeded your limit" as shown in the knowledge article below, you may have tried to download more information than the FamilySearch contract agreements permit. Please review the knowledge which provides contact information for the department that might be able to help you resolve your concern.
We appreciate your desire to be able to work with records you have downloaded even when you are off-line, however, we must also abide by contracts that have been made which allow us to even make these records available. If your problem persists, you might consider just working with a few of the records at a time.
If this is not what happened, please provide more details about what you did and what kind of error message you received and we will continue to try to assist you.