Remote Access Research Request
Hi, I asked for a request for a birth certificate through remote access the 21 july and immediately receive the email of request
Till today not reply. Can you help me?
in the following the request
Remote Access Services
enrico davini
NumberFilm Number and/or DGS Number7835331
Name on Document Alfonso Aiello
Locality of Record San Pietro in Guarano (Cosenza)
Date of Record Birth Alfonso Aiello, born 24 june 1888 , San Pietro in Guarano son of Gaetano Aiello and Filomena Stigliano
If you saved the email notice, reply to that email asking for a status update. Out of nearly 90 I'ved ordered since May, I've had 3 I did not receive within a week. I waited a month, just to be sure, and then replied to those confirming emails, asking for a status update. I had the records the next day.
If you did not save the confirming emails, just fill out the request form again. The form has been modified and is now at
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Hi Aine,
thank you for reply.
I send a second email after one month (1st end of july, 2nd end of August) without reply.
I can try to send a new request using the form...