Does anyone know why I get a forbidden message when I try to access records on
Have you tried to find the historical records on their site by using their own search interface? See if the URLs have changed.
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When I go to their site I get the same "forbidden" message with no explanation. I am wondering if an other family search members have had this problem?
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I am able to navigate It may help for you to share URLs of the last page you are able to navigate and the link that gives you the "forbidden" message.
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@MarilynKouvolo, Thank you for reporting the 403 error that our link to produces when you try to access the site from our West Virginia Birth, Marriage, or Death record collections. We have reported the error in the link to engineering. Hopefully, they will soon have it working again.
Meanwhile, you can access the site directly.
- Open a browser and go to
- Scroll down and click Learn More under Records & Databases.
- Under the Explore Archives and History heading, click Births, Deaths and Marriages (databases)
- From there you can search the databases
We apologize for the error. Hope the work-around will be successful for you while we wait for engineers to fix the link in the record collections.
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@N Tychonievich has provided critical information. It was a bad link in a FamilySearch historical records collection.
A quick check of the FS Research Wiki reveals bad links there too. On the link to try first, with display text 1853-1930 - At West Virginia Division of Culture and History, is bad.
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@dontiknowyou Good catch. You can actually report the error in the wiki article yourself. Any time you find an error in a wiki article, like a bad link, @dontiknowyou look on the panel to the left and find the Give Feedback section. Click Report a problem. Fill in the info and off it goes directly to the wiki team. I've found that they are pretty quick to fix things.
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@N Tychonievich any mention of the Research Wiki is a good thing. I mentioned the problem here not on the wiki because the problem is already being addressed here, and is more extensive than the wiki.
There may also be old FamilySearch blog pages mentioning the collection, that have dead links now too.
Hopefully, notice here will accomplish some coordination of corrections across all FamilySearch platforms.