Why was my FamilySearch Community Account Reset?
I have been a member of FamilySearch for 10 years and the FS Community for 3+ years and work primarily in the German Genealogy Research Community answering questions and providing translations of records.
Sometime between 9:00 am, Monday morning, 20 Sep 2021, and approximately 4:00 pm, Monday afternoon, 20 Sep 2021, my account in FS Community was reset as if I were a new beginning member of the Community. All of the answers I have provided over the past three years were removed and my statistics were reset to zero. Despite two phone calls and one online chat with Family Search over the past several days, there has been no explanation of the problem and no resolution of the probelm.
On Monday morning, 20 Sep 2021, my statistics: 4 Star Level; Points: 709; My Discussions: 66; Comments: 5,000+.
On Monday afternoon, 20 Sept 2021, my statistics: 1 Star Level, Points: 1, My Discussions: blank; Comments: 5.
The worst part of this is the loss of all the responses I have provided. This not only affects me but all the people who I have responded to over the years. Apparently if I answered their questions my answers to their questions have disappeared in their queues as well.
This is very strange. Can somebody please help me?
Thank you.
Best Answers
Since your concern is about working in the Community and your Activity in the Community, did you try reaching out to one of the Admins to see if they could help?
I notice on home page that @Caleb L is an administrator in the Community, and perhaps he can explain why when the FamilySearch and Church accounts were separated it seemed to affect your Community activity page as well.
Please reach out to him and see if there is a reason why your Activity page was suddenly altered as though you were starting all over.
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Thank you, @CDBurk. This is an excellent suggestion and I will send a message to Caleb L. You assitance is appreciated.
Sincerely, Robert Seal_1
Thank you for your response, which I appreciate, but I am not a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints so it is unlikely this is the cause of the problem I am having.