Date Correlation with FSFT Suggested Memories vs Birth and Death Dates
Best Answer
@Cousin David I heard your thinking - I wish the Record Hints new more about the people they were hinting about too - if they are half way around the world from the location other attached records - obviously not a match unless a 'travel record'? etc etc
@Cousin David Are you indicating the date was incorrectly transcribed or that the Record Hint may have had a similar name but obviously wrong date? That's too bad. Are you able to Edit that Date when you view the Document? If so feel free to correct the Date. If not can you provide the Citation here and someone with rights to access that Project can go in and correct it (I assume).
Otherwise it was probably just an incorrect Record Hint which you can mark 'Not a match' - Reason 'date AFTER Death of person'. I have been told from long ago the system learns to provide better record hints when you mark incorrect Hints 'Not a match'.
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Record hint was obviously wrong date; however, the only actual date on the newspaper clipping was the edition of the paper - 1946. You may recall - so and so died last Wednesday, etc.
No transcription errors, it was a newspaper article, after all. Common names, Mary Brown (sister of deceased), mother same name as my record.
Already marked not a match Just thinking out loud about “next steps” in hints