Returning Microfilm

We are going through our microfilm to determine which films are available online. Those that are online we want to return to the distribution center. Magento has been discontinued, so we have no way to enter the film numbers into the system prior to returning the films. Is there another system that we should be using to notify FS that the films will no longer be at our center? There is a help center document ( that talks about returning film, but it doesn't mention this so I assume all we need to do is box the films up and return them to the distribution center. We tried calling FamilySearch Support, but they simply referred us to the article we had already found.
Thank you, Diane Manley
I cannot answer your question either but I can add a comment from experience that MAY be helpful. I believe if the films are available online and you return them to FS they will be 'destroyed'. If you obtain permission from FS through your FHC Leader - they may grant the option to donate said film to BYU - IF BYU does not have that film number. This is a win-win and allows use of the valuable film to continue. But again it is dependent on approval from FS and perhaps if you are near to BYU. #GoCougars
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The distribution of films hasn't been available for many years. There is no need to notify that you will no longer have a film, just follow the instructions in the article you referenced for returning film.
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Thank you. I knew film distribution was discontinued a few years ago. I remember that the FHL catalog used to have a link that listed what family history centers had a film, so I wasn't sure if there was some system to let FamilySearch know that we would no longer have the film. I will box the films up and return them to the distribution center. Thanks again,
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@Diane Manley Also it sounds like a FHC microfilm tool was in process:
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genthusiast 1;
I saw that article. I thought perhaps it had been released or made available. Thank you,