Create a Project: Family Indexing Projects
I mentioned in a previous idea that I would like to see some cross-functionality between Memories/Gallery and Web Indexing app. This is a clarification of what I envision.
1. Family groups could participate in Indexing/transcribing of records added to their relations Or to each other's Gallery. Specifically helpful would be the sharing of the Image and Document type memories. A family 'admin' can add family members to the group and track statistics. These projects could be large groups such as Family Associations i.e. Descendants of __. This would essentially create a shared group gallery for descendants and alert those following these persons to tasks/changes available for their participation. This could be in addition to alerts/emails received from Familysearch. Where current alerts are 'individually' focused this idea could generate 'family focused/generated' alerts for content/participation opportunities. I am aware that Record Hints/etc are probably reaching the entire 'family group' but in an individual and not visible collaborative group context/interface - it's collaborative behind the scenes.
2. This shared family group gallery would act as another 'tasks' channel presented to group members in Tasks/Records Hints categories.
3. Family/Group Administrators would be responsible for selecting/setting up record type/'fields' to be Indexed/transcribed. If there is a large collection of images of the same type - a handwritten book, Journal for example - the admin may need to have the option to transcribe the entire page - not just select fields to Index.
4. This would allow a process flow for Memories to be Indexed/transcribed prior to attachment/publication to the Tree - or as items to be linked in Stories.
5. This is a separate Family Tree idea but I want to mention it here to piggyback on this type of shared family indexing idea. I think this shared 'family association'/group idea should have the capability of 'locking' editing/duplication of tree ancestors. This sharing among the group of tasks/alerts to changes in the tree should help with improper editing/duplication. Giving the family the privilege of locking content to their ancestors seems to be an appropriate delegation of administration. I really don't want people to edit recent relations records - if they knew them and have a story to tell - they can create a story and tag my relation's name. But changing family relationships should only be done by those with closer family relation - especially if such changes can be prepublication decisions of a 'family organization'. Maybe allow anyone to 'suggest' a change but only allow those with a 'relation' the ability to accept/publish changes? Especially on a person's details/sources - it would be 'nice' if closer relations could mark these 'sufficiently complete/large' so that it would lock them from any change, I like the idea of attaching as many records as possible - but it may not be necessary for a 'sufficiently' documented person to be 'complete'. Any other contributions/sources could be included in Memories.
Advantage: Family/Group indexing projects unaffiliated with governments or other records custodians. More granular group focused participation in indexing small collections - for which Familysearch could retain an index/digital reference.
Disadvantage: File size limitations for larger documents/images - where the resulting completed project digitally resides. Project bottleneck for an Administrator receiving too many documents - thus the importance of group communication. Building Web Indexing capability for handling these 'user-submitted' indexing Projects.
Thanks! Familysearch is great and continues to improve - I just continue to have ideas. Sorry if these ideas are viewed as distracting/detracting from the Familysearch goals. Is there a RoadMap I can consult?