Is it possible to create two separate trees under one account?
FamilySearch's Family Tree is a single collaborative tree. The lofty goal is to eventually have one and only one profile for every deceased person who ever lived.
The only exception to the "one person, one profile" principle is living people: a profile marked "living" only exists within the private space of the account that created it. Such living profiles, in my opinion, should really only be placeholders: just enough information for the person entering it to know who it is, with the sole purpose of connecting profiles so that you can get to the appropriate deceased people. (The best way to protect privacy online is to not put information online, not even in a protected space, unless absolutely necessary.)
Given these facts, I can think of two approaches for you. One, you could enter your partner as your spouse and connect to the appropriate families that way. Nobody besides you would see that spousal relationship, but it would make it easy for you to navigate to either branch. The alternative is to enter your partner as an unrelated person (using the link at the bottom of the Recents menu), and then add the relevant PIDs to your watchlist (now called Following) so that you can get to them easily.