"Descendants With Tasks" vs Hope Chest

Hello Community,
Today I was introduced to a chrome plugin called Hope Chest. What I gathered as the most important feature of Hope Chest was the capability to produce a list of descendants with temple work needing to be completed and wondered how this is different from the Family Search option "Descendants with Tasks".
In FS I get that tasks can be records hints as well, but the list provided can be filtered down to simply provide temple work needed. I also understand that FS is limited to 5 generations down from the individual record you perform the task on (a little leg work needed if you're going more than 5 generations up).
So my question, is there a difference at all between the capabilities in FS already vs the unaffiliated Hope Chest plugin??
Dear Ben,
Hope Chest is an independent product that FamilySearch does not support, so it is difficult to answer your question with accuracy. The algorithms used in each product for finding tasks and ordinances might differ slightly between the two products. It sounds like you have explored the two and have found some similarities and differences and that you understand how to use each one quite well. I'm not sure if we can offer any more information than what you have already discovered.
Best regards.
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Hi Ben,
I have tried every which way to install and then find Hope Chest with no luck. However, I did find this YouTube video that might be of held in determining the pros and cons of Hope Chest.
To add some more fun to your question there is also BYU Descendance, which I have found very helpful as it has pointed me in the direction of ancestors/family I had missed.
To be fair it does not seem to go back very far but I do not know if that is just my tree or all trees. I can see at a glance who needs what ordinance and it is linked to their FamilySearch page. I shows possible duplicates and whether an ordinance is ready, reserved or available.
Best regards
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Hi Ben
YouTube video is "FamilySearch Hope Chest how to use." It is old so maybe it is out of date.
Also it does appear, judging by the comments, to be a subscription site where as the BYU app is not.
You can also find more BYU applications by going to this group.
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@ Ben M, thank you for your question in Community. I had to use the Hope Chest for one of my University Classes at BYU Idaho, in the fall of 2020. One of the main differences between Hope Chest and the Descendants feature in Family Tree is the following:
1) To me, Hope Chest is a quicker process than Family Tree Descendants. "...It will search on its own, and you do not have to be looking at it. You can even open up a new tab go to FamilySearch, click Family Tree and you can run several of these Hope Chest searches at the same time. You can do a few ancestor searches, a few descendants search at the same time, and then you can go to bed, and Hope Chest will do the work for you. In the morning your Hope Chest will be full of names. This allows you to bring all of the missed potential temple work into one place, within the Hope Chest." (See YouTube Video, link below.)
2) Hope Chest - once downloaded, "...can look through your entire Family Tree (both on your side of the family and your wife's side of the family) as far back as you want or as far forward as you want. It will go ahead and grab all of the different names that are ready for Temple work and put them in your Hope Chest for you, and then you can go ahead and research them later. Here is a great YouTube video tutorial that you may or may not have seen as yet. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KzGljQv3B28 It talks about the free version and the Plus version.
a) Other features mentioned in the video that Hope Chest can do:
b) Search ancestors: Only search your direct parent lines.
Search descendants: "This allows you to work your way forward. (Pulls up great aunts/uncles/cousins. They may not be on your average everyday pedigree chart. It is suggesting you go back between 1700 and 1800s (go back far enough to not reach the current year quickly enough.)"
Everything mentioned in this comment post is about the free version of Hope Chest. We hope that this information has been helpful to you.
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Just to make sure it's noted again, so if anyone stumbles across this in the future, Hope Chest is not affiliated with FS or sponsored by the Church.
From the discussion in this thread I can see that Hope Chest takes the legwork out of manually running "Descendants with Tasks" in FS from the top of your tree, generations ago. This can be a nice feature of Hope Chest but ancestors are included in the free version while descendants are part of a Hope Chest yearly subscription service (which again, isn't a Church or FS affiliated program).
Thanks to all those who replied! My conclusion is that FamilySearch provides all the necessary tools to perform the work needed with the 'Descendants with Tasks" option and that a secondary, non-affiliated service wouldn't be needed.
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If you are looking for available ordinances, you can always run Ordinances Ready: https://www.familysearch.org/temple/ordinances-ready