Italian Films

There are Italian films that have been indexed and although the film is only available to view in a FHC, the index was viewable. Suddenly I cannot view the index. Can you tell me why that was changed? I was so much easier to make a list from the index so time is not wasted when I get to the FHC.
Best Answers
Previously indexes were viewable to all users. Now the same sort of restrictions that apply to viewing some films- e.g. having to be at a FHC or be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints- apply to some indexes. The most annoying aspect of this is that there's no communication about it. If you encounter errors when trying to view indexes, there's no way to knowing whether its a temporary error or due to a restriction. Aside from a few discussions in this forum, I don't think FS has ever publicly acknowledged that some indexes have viewing restrictions.
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Thank you for providing us with the film numbers. We see that films 1333088-133097 are restricted to viewing in a Family History Center. We also see that there is supposed to be an index for these. We tried clicking on the magnifying glass and we can’t see the index either. It is likely that access restrictions have changed. This article explains about that: Why did some historical records disappear from FamilySearch? We know that right now, the Catalog can’t be corrected: How do I request a correction to the FamilySearch Catalog? That means that what you see in the Catalog may not be up to date. And yes, there are some restricted indexes. This article explains some alternatives to try when the index is restricted: Why do some indexes have access limitations? We are checking further to see if we can find out if the access restrictions have changed or if something is just not working correctly, but we suspect it is an access issue.
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Thank you for providing us with the film numbers. We see that films 1333088-133097 are restricted to viewing in a Family History Center. We also see that there is supposed to be an index for these. We tried clicking on the magnifying glass and we can’t see the index either. It is likely that access restrictions have changed. This article explains about that: Why did some historical records disappear from FamilySearch? We know that right now, the Catalog can’t be corrected: How do I request a correction to the FamilySearch Catalog? That means that what you see in the Catalog may not be up to date. And yes, there are some restricted indexes. This article explains some alternatives to try when the index is restricted: Why do some indexes have access limitations? We asked a supervisor and found out that the presence of a magnifying glass in the catalog has never been indicative of the index being available to the user--just indicative of the existence of the index. We hope the new catalog will fix that since it is very confusing to all of us.
Can you give us a film number?
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