Suggestion for search page
While we appreciate your suggestion about adding the PID to a search results page for the xls downloads, this would not necessarily be a good idea for several reasons.
First, ID numbers are created for the Family Tree program, not for a general search page. When you click Search and Records, you are working with our Historical Records collections, not with Family Tree.
Second, there are often multiple records for the same individuals in the Family Tree program. We try to encourage our users to merge any duplicates that they can verify are for the same individuals, however, we still have many users who simply created a new record for each person they add to Family Tree instead of connecting to the work of others who are related to common ancestors. Since each record in Family Tree is identified with a unique 7-digit ID number, it would be very confusing to users if they saw an ID number they are not familiar with related to a Historical Record that they know verifies a life event or family relationships for the new person they just added to Family Tree.
We appreciate all ideas and suggestions that might make working at FamilySearch easier, so if you still feel that your suggestion might be helpful to others despite the fact that ID numbers are initiated for the Family Tree program, not for a general search, please follow the instructions in the following knowledge article which explains how to present your feedback in the Ideas category of the Community where others can see and vote on your suggestions. The Ideas category is on the left just under the light bulb icon.
We hope this information is helpful as you continue to have ideas that you believe will be beneficial to all who work at FamilySearch.