When an images says “for reference, do not image”
Best Answer
You should turn off those references images so they don't confuse you. The reference images icon is the last icon on the vertical toolbar on the image window. You can click on it to open and close the reference images. Those pages have nothing to do with your batch and should not interfere with you submitting it. Once you hit submit batch, it will go through a quality check and you may have things to check and make sure you did them correctly. After the batch submits, confetti falls, and you have the options to select another batch.
Reference images are only necessary for certain instances, like you need to collect information from the next record to finish the last record in your batch, or to compare handwriting.
The number of images in your batch that need to be indexed are in the thumbnails at the bottom or your image box. Also, in the blue bar on entry form it will say Image 1 of 1, or Image 1 of 3, or Image 1 of 10, for example.