When I sign into my account, why don't I have the word "Temple" at top so I can print out records?
Welcome to the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum.
I am just another 'lowly' User/Patron ...
[ And, I happen to be a Member of the Church ... ]
Of course, providing you ARE a Member of the Church ,,,
A couple of things ...
IF, you have NOT had, that "Temple" 'Tab', available to you, since you Opened/Started you 'FamilySearch' Account; THEN, go to YOUR "Settings" in your 'FamilySearch' Account; and, make sure that you have your Church Membership Number, associated with that particular 'FamilySearch' Account.
Some Users/Patrons who are Member of the Church actually have two (x2) 'FamilySearch' Accounts; where, one has their Church Membership Number, associated; and, the other that DOES NOT have their Church Membership Number, associated. IF, that is the case with you; THEN, you will NEED to have those two (x2) accounts merged/combined into one.
or ...
At ANY stage, in the past, did you go into your "Settings", in you 'FamilySearch' Account, to "Turn OFF" (ie, DISABLE), the ability to "Show Temple Information", under "Family Tree Preferences", in the "Account" 'Tab', to SHOW the likes of "Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch', to a member of the Public; so that, they DID NOT, 'see', the "Temple" Work side of things.
And, subsequently, you have "Turned" that BACK "ON" (ie, ENABLED such).
It happens ... many of us have ... been there ... done that ... and, I am sure, will still do ...
These are just some quick thoughts, in passing.
IF, such are NOT the case; THEN, there is something else at play.
Good Luck.
I hope this helps.