Duplicate images in Brazilian death records
Brasil, Paraná—Registro Civil, 1852–1996 [Parte B][M9PF-DXC]
On images 1 and 3 the photographers cut off the far right hand column of the right-hand page to fit the page into the frame. They then shifted the page left and took another photograph to capture the right hand side, thus creating images 2 and 4. The column that was cut off normally does not contain information that needs to be indexed, but in this case it contains the name of the spouse. Should I mark images 2 and 4 as duplicates, and still extract the data by opening in a second page (just like we do when a record is contniued from one image to the next)? If so, how can I alert the reviewer that that is what I did? Or should I index all the pages as if they were not duplicates (because they are not exact duplicates, just 99%)?
Thanks in advance.
These records Do begin on one page and finishe on the next. You should follow the instructions to copy the complete information on the first and mark the second as "no extractable information." You are correct to say they are not duplicate records and thank you for recognizing that the spouse on the second image should be recorded. A reviewer and indexer can't communicate, but as a reviewer I can assure you that realizing that images 2 and 4 were the second side of images 1 and 3 and accepting your record as correct would be the normal thing for a reviewer to do.