Review question concerning muster roll skipped name added at end??

As I was reviewing the following: Inoted that a name had been skipped. I inserted an entry for the name and continued to review. At the end of the batch I found that the person indexing had realized the mistake and had inserted the name at the end. Which entry should I delete?
The information is correct, it is just out of order.
Best Answer
It does not really matter which you delete. The computer recognizes each entry as a separate item without connection to any other entries. It does make it easier for reviewers to index them in order but the computer does not care.
"When multiple pages or records appear in one image, index the records in the order they were written, if that can be determined. Otherwise, index from top to bottom and left to right, as if reading a book.
Note: In web indexing, the order of indexing is not as important as it once was. However, this method is still preferred."