too many numbers
I'm new to indexing so I am still learning but I have two questions about the Liberia Census of 2008. The first batch I got only has two names on the page but it says there are 10 images to index and it won't let me move on. So I got a new batch and the person who filled out the census sheet filled in both the grey and the white columns for the age but the numbers are different. He put 37 in the grey column and 32 in the white column so I don't really know what age to put down. He did that for the whole family too. I looked in the example but in that one only white column is filled out so I don't know what to do.
Best Answer
For that form with the white and grey columns, index from the white columns as per the second example in the Project Instructions under What To Index. What we index is circled in red in the example. When the data entry form or table has more lines than your document has records, simply delete the unused lines (records) clicking on the trashcan icon in the toolbar.
I have found the same issues
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I am glad someone has asked that Question. This is the first time I have encountered this particular form and I did note that the example used the age in the white column. if there is no age in the white column but an age in the gray column I assume we would use that age. Please see sec. 4 in this Example: