Is there a way if all of your work is deleted to get it all Back?
Thank you for contacting FamilySearch. You said you opened your account. Was that recently or a while ago? If it was recently, you need to add your parents and grandparents until you have connected with your deceased ancestors. Then the tree will fill if the ancestors have already been added.
If it was a while ago, then it is likely someone has made a change in the tree and caused the loss of ancestors. Please let us know so we can give you the assistance you need.
We wish you the best.
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I opened it today to work and add more names and it all disappeared and cannot find any of the names of any body but myself and my deceased father. And it says that he has know wife and know children but me.
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When a family name or family line is missing, there are at least two options. If the information is fairly current, just go to the end of the line you can still see, open up their Person/Detail page and look in Latest Changes for a disconnect. The disconnected persons may be reconnected by their ID numbers.
If you can no find that disconnect, you can sometimes find the previous relationships on our beta site, which is updated on an irregular basis, so often has older, unchanged info. This site does not connect with the "real" Family Search, but is only a snap shot of the tree, as the tree looked at the time the snap shot was taken You would log in and use the site just as familysearchorg... the URL is
It is also a possibility that you may have more than one Family Search account, and have logged into a different account this time, than you looked at last time.
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Welcome to the Community. We wonder if your account has been verified. Did you receive the email verification message?
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Hello @AddisonBell3
If you are seeing your record attached to your deceased father, take a look at your father's Latest Changes log. Do you see your mother as a spouse at one point and then perhaps the relationship was deleted?
You could also look at your own Latest Changes log and see what changes have been made to your record. You may simply need to add your living mother's name and connect her to her parents/grandparents, etc. to see your tree come back.
Another way to see what changes you, yourself, have made in Family Tree is to click on Family Tree, then My Contributions.
Hopefully, you will quickly be able to see where the disconnect happened and be able to restore the lineage.
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It can be very distressing to not find the ancestors you have been looking on.
As was mentioned above, could you have created a second account? This can happen if you have recently had trouble signing in or have changed your password. When that happens, often the second account only shows you.
I will send you a private message, that you can reply to, if you think this is a possibility.
Good Luck!
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Are you sure that you are using the correct username to see your FamilySearch account? We suggest you call our Customer Service Line 1-866-406-1830 to help you. That would be the quickest way for you to resolve your problem.