Should periods on initials be removed when reviewing a batch that doesn't give specific instruction?

After reading the link on prefixes and finding that I have made mistakes on punctuation I felt I should ask the question stated above
Yikes!!!! Thank you for posting this link. I learned that I am under a false impression. Because I'm new and started with many Virginia Marriage Registers, I thought it was normal to put periods after initials.
For that project the directions are:
(In this project, include all punctuation when typing names and place-names.)
I assumed that was standard unless stated otherwise. Most instructions don't give directions as to put punctuation in or not.
Upon reading the link above I learn:
- Type what is written, including hyphens and apostrophes, but leave out periods, commas, and semicolons.
Does this mean some review person is very unhappy with me as they remove all of the periods after initials??
Best Answer
Thank you for asking for clarification! Usually we do not need to include punctuation except in cases like O'Reilly or between localities. Occasionally the instructions will vary and want the punctuations to be done a different way. That is one big reason to always check the instructions even on projects you have worked on before. Instructions can change.
As far as when you add punctuation when not needed it does not really matter. The computer will ignore them when the final processing is done if they are not needed.
Reviewers do not need to remove the periods but if they want to they can. It makes no difference to the computer in the end.
You are doing great!
Thank you