Where can I get a 5.2 PAF programme
I started on Paf when I joined the Church, and my wife and I served a full time Temple mission, and did quite a lot of my basic gaps. Now the programme I was on has decided they don't like all the detail and have wiped mostly addresses, and female names, and thus the truth from my family tree.
I need to get back to a tree that does not invade my computer.
My intention was to hand all my work over to the Church when I pass on, so that all the Temple work that is needed, can be completed.
So, please I need this programme as it is compatible with my computer, and I can start to repair all these gaps
Hello Francis Petchey
FamilySearch Family Tree no longer supports the PAF program. Therefore, I Googled your question, "Where can I get a 5.2 PAF programme".
Good Luck
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Found this one. Downloads well.
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I am just another 'lowly' User/Patron ...
[ And, one who has used PAF, the the past ... ]
As an aside ...
Depending on the 'age' of your Computer, you may find that "PAF" (even the last version), will nor work.
As such ...
I would humbly suggest that you forgo "PAF"; and, "Download" the latest version of "Ancestral Quest".
"Ancestral Quest" SHOULD be able to read; and, convert, a "PAF" File.
"Ancestral Quest" is one of the "Third Party" Applications that is "Certified" to work with "Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch'.
Plus, there is a FREE version of "Ancestral Quest".
"Ancestral Quest" can be found in the "Solutions Gallery" of 'FamilySearch'
Here is the direct link to "Ancestral Quest" in the "Solutions Gallery" of 'FamilySearch':
"Ancestral Quest" is basically an upmarket version of "PAF".
Good Luck
I hope this helps.
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Thanks, but no thanks. I now totally avoid Family Search, as they are totally inflexible, and have been at the base of my problems. They do not understand that Yorkshire was administered in 4 separate sections, for the best part of 4 centuries until 1974. They do not accept addresses that occurred prior to 1974, and they passed this removal of occupations, wives names and addresses on to Roots Magic. So I GED com-ed most of what I still had out of 24000 persons, and wiped Roots Magic from my programmes.
So I do my own research, as this tree is for those who follow on after me.
I hope you understand