indexers working on advanced batches
@Mace, Nancy Joyce I disagree with an Indexer proficiency test unless the Record Owner wants to require that level of indexing oversight/management.
This is crowdsourced indexing - you are going to trade document expertise for getting the document indexed quicker. It all depends on the time required for the indexer. An advanced indexer should already know to spend a bit more time on a difficult document. Even then an advanced indexer is just doing their best ... perhaps maybe a little more Project Instruction guidance/education would be in order though. Maybe something like the Guided Tour on the Indexing Overview page for each Project?
or maybe the Project owner/institution could have an Introductory video explaining the project and some of the nuances to Indexing the documents well. This type of guidance could be required where the Project Instructions appear before the advanced type documents appear in the Web Indexing interface. I think it would be interesting to see the Project Owner/Record Custodian have this type of interaction with the Project and be a good introduction for the Indexers.
I am noticing while Indexing I need to educate myself on the type of document - and you are right - some documents require more expertise AND I need to educate myself on the handwriting of the person who recorded the document i.e. look around the document a little more thoroughly to understand it - especially if it contains mixed/foreign language.
Perhaps require a certain level of total indexed records to become a reviewer though ... a reviewer should definitely be willing to spend the time to go over the index submissions carefully.
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Reviewers should have to pass a proficiency test to become reviewers of any project. Indexing 1000 entries of a simple project doesn't give people the experience they need to review most projects.
There is a feedback form in labs that goes to FamilySearch for review if you want to try that out. I use it on those rare occasions when I am sending a batch back for reindexing.
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Hi Nancy. I can help you with the last comment.
If you want to help an Indexer making “glaring errors” to improve and/ or help FS get to the bottom of the problem, then you can Return the batch for Reindexing with Reasons. Even if you are willing to do the work of making all those corrections, it may be the better course, but it is your call.
To activate this “experimental” Labs option, select Help>Labs. You will see a description of this Reasons to Reindex Batch option, examples of using it, and can click to activate it. You then need to refresh your browser (curly arrow or F5) and return to your batch. Now if you click on Batch>Reindex Batch you will see the following form instead of the usual brief one. This will let you express your concerns about this batch, and allow FS to give the Indexer the necessary help or take appropriate other action. It includes some standard reasons plus a free-form “Other” option. Tip -sometimes it doesn't stay activated, and you may need to repeat the activation step.